
James Radford

What are Values in Life

What are Values in Life

What’s important to you? It’s a simple question – but one with profound consequences for how you live your life. It’s a question that gets to the heart of your values: things that motivate you and guide your decisions. But what are values and why are they important?

Whether you’re deciding to make a career change or trying to make space for more self-care, defining your personal values can act as a guide. But what’s the meaning of personal values, and how can you identify yours?

You might not have a list of values sitting in your desk drawer. But the choices you’ve made throughout your life likely point to a pattern of priorities.

Let’s say you value reaching certain professional milestones over excelling at your fitness goals. A new job offer comes your way. The recruiter explains that the schedule is demanding, and the job responsibilities have a steep learning curve.

But it’ll push you to grow your career in transformative ways. If you place a high value on your work goals, you’ll probably say “Yes,” even if it means stepping back from the 5K run you were training for.

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to your personal values. Your true values can’t and shouldn’t be suppressed.

What are Values?

Values are often taken to mean moral ideas, attitudes to the world, or norms and behaviors that are considered ‘good’ in a particular group, community, or organization. They’re usually abstract nouns, like ‘authenticity’ or ‘respect’. They may also simply be valued interests, activities, preferences, and dispositions.

It’s helpful to think of values as the things that are most important to you. They’re the things that motivate us and guide our decisions. We may have many values, and different ones in different areas of our lives – for example as individuals and members of families, groups, and communities. These may also overlap – and they may change over time.

So, basically, what are values? Here are a few examples:

1. Personal Values:

Personal values encompass individual beliefs and principles, such as empathy, honesty, kindness, or generosity, shaping one’s character and actions.

2. Relationship Values:

Interpersonal values revolve around relationships and may involve trust, friendship, loyalty, or intimacy, forming the foundation for meaningful connections with others.

3. Work Values:

Work-related values guide professional life and can include professionalism, leadership, or teamwork, influencing behavior and decisions in the workplace.

4. Societal Values:

Values connected to wider society, such as environmentalism, social justice, or charity, reflect an individual’s commitment to contributing positively to the broader community and world.

What are My Values?

“Discovering your values is like finding out what matters”

Understanding what’s important to you and asking yourself the question, “What are my values?”  is like figuring out what makes you happy and satisfied. Let’s explore this journey together to uncover your core values.

1. Take a Moment to Think

Start by thinking about your life. What moments do you remember feeling good about yourself? These memories can help you discover your core values.

2. Identify What Matters Most

What is most important to you? Is it your relationships, personal growth, work achievements, or helping others? Knowing what matters most is key to understanding your values.

3. Look at Your Daily Priorities

Take note of the way you do your expenditure in terms of time and energy each day. Do you strive for personal growth, build relationships, and create opportunities? What you value could be indicated by your daily priorities.

4. Follow Your Passions

What do you love doing? Your hobbies and interests often connect with your core values. Whether it’s being creative, learning new things, or helping others, your passions can reveal your values.

5. Think About Your Beliefs

Dig into what you believe in. Whether it’s based on spirituality, ethics, or personal philosophy, your beliefs shape your core values.

6. Be Yourself

Being yourself is important. Embrace who you truly are, including your strengths, quirks, and dreams instead of questioning “What are my values”. Being genuine helps you live in line with your core values.

7. Learn from Your Choices

A lot can be said about one’s values depending on a person’s choices; and what he or she decides to do. Consider the prior decisions where the choice worked out fine or was wrong. Your choices reflect what you treasure.

8. Find Inspiration Around You

Look up to people you admire. Who embodies qualities you like? Whether it’s someone’s strength, kindness, or dedication to making things better, these qualities can give you hints about your core values.

Why is it Important to Have Values?

“If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?” – as the old song goes. What are values in life? Values help us create the future we want – because knowing what you want out of life is the first step to getting it.

Core values, however, go beyond this. They help in our growth and development being people. These are what keep us going each day knowing that we have to be responsible for something. Values help us live with direction and purpose – like a guiding compass. Whatever is going on in our lives, our values can show us a path forward, and help us make better choices.

Values are also intimately linked to our sense of self, and they’re essential for our mental health.

Research shows that just thinking about our values keeps our stress levels low, and helps us feel more content.

But when there’s a mismatch, we tend to be less happy and more stressed.

Understanding Values for a Happy Life

Values motivate us, give us direction, and are essential to our mental health. Here’s how to define – and live – yours. Values in life play a crucial role in shaping our lives and actions.

Defining Life Values

Life values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that reflect what matters most to us. They serve as a compass, providing direction and influencing our choices.

Guiding Behavior

Values guide our behavior by acting as a set of ethical and moral standards. They help us determine right from wrong and make decisions aligned with our principles.

Prioritizing Decisions

When faced with choices or dilemmas, our values often come into play, helping us prioritize what is truly significant to us.

Personal Significance

Values are deeply personal, reflecting our perspectives, experiences, and aspirations. Understanding and embracing our values can lead to a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

What are My Core Values?

Understanding and asking yourself, “What are my core values?” is a pivotal step toward leading a more authentic and fulfilling life. These values are the guiding principles that shape your choices, actions, and overall perspective. Embarking on the journey to discover your core values can be both enlightening and empowering. Here’s a guide to help you delve into the exploration of your core values.

1. Reflect on Your Experiences

Begin by reflecting on significant moments and experiences in your life. Identify times when you felt genuinely content, proud, or fulfilled. Conversely, consider moments that left you dissatisfied or conflicted. These reflections can provide valuable insights into the values that matter most to you.

2. Identify What Matters Most

Pinpoint aspects of life that hold the utmost significance for you. It could be relationships, personal growth, career achievements, or community involvement. Acknowledge what truly matters to you on a deep, intrinsic level.

3. Assess Your Priorities

Look at how you distribute it across time, effort, and assets. From this, one can deduce that your priorities reveal your core values. sentences Do you value personal growth, parenting, or working for better standards in society and beyond? By realigning your values to your priorities you will have a more harmonized and purpose-driven life.

4. Explore Your Passions

Consider your passions and interests. Activities that ignite a sense of joy and enthusiasm often align with your core values. Whether it’s creativity, learning, or helping others, recognizing your passions can unveil the values that drive your sense of purpose.

5. Clarify Your Beliefs

Delve into your belief system. What principles and philosophies do you hold dear? Whether rooted in spirituality, ethics, or personal philosophy, your beliefs contribute to the formation of your core values.

6. Embrace Authenticity

Be genuine on your road to self-discovery. Ensure you tell yourself the truth about yourself; your convictions and that which makes you happy. The key to leading life according to one’s fundamental principles is authenticity.

7. Assess Your Choices

Evaluate past decisions and their outcomes. Assess which choices resonated positively with you and which ones left you feeling incongruent. Your choices often reflect your values, serving as valuable markers on your path of self-discovery.

8. Seek Inspiration from Others

Look to individuals you admire or find inspiring. Identify the qualities in them that resonate with you. It could be their resilience, compassion, or commitment to making a difference. Recognizing these qualities can shed light on your core values.

Why Are Core Values Important?

Guiding Principles

Core values are the guiding principles that shape behavior and decisions, providing a moral compass for individuals and organizations.

Shared Understanding

These values establish a shared understanding of what is right and wrong, fostering unity and coherence in actions and expectations.

Cohesive Culture

Core values create a cohesive culture, encouraging collaboration, mutual respect, and a sense of identity within a group or community.

Building Trust

Aligning actions with core values builds trust, credibility, and a positive reputation for individuals and organizations.

Decision-Making Foundation

Acting as a foundation for decision-making, core values offer clarity and direction in challenging situations, contributing to ethical and purposeful choices.

Authentic Pursuit

Core values guide the pursuit of goals and aspirations authentically and ethically, leading to a meaningful existence.

Discovering What Matters with an Essential List of Values

1. Empathy:

“Understanding and sharing the feelings of others”

Empathy is a powerful force that fosters deep connections, allowing you to walk in someone else’s shoes and cultivate a compassionate understanding of their experiences.

2. Honesty:

“Being truthful and transparent in your words and actions.”

Honesty builds trust and integrity, forming the foundation of authentic relationships and creating an environment where openness is valued.

3. Integrity:

“Adhering to strong moral and ethical principles.”

Upholding integrity means consistently choosing what is right over what is easy, reflecting a commitment to moral excellence, and earning the respect of those around you.

4. Gratitude:

“Appreciating and expressing thankfulness for what you have.”

Practicing gratitude brings a sense of fulfillment and positivity, shifting focus from what’s lacking to the abundance present in your life.

5. Resilience:

“Bouncing back from challenges and setbacks.”

You develop resilience which allows you to take advantage of the challenges by making them opportunities instead of impediments during tough times while enjoying good moments in your life.

6. Kindness:

“Acting with compassion and goodwill towards others.”

Kindness has a ripple effect, creating a chain of positivity that not only brightens someone’s day but also contributes to a more compassionate world.

7. Courage:

“Facing fears and challenges with bravery”

Courage is the fuel that propels you beyond your comfort zone, enabling personal and professional growth by confronting fears head-on.

8. Generosity:

“Sharing freely with others, whether it’s time, resources, or support.”

Generosity not only benefits others but also enriches your own life, creating a sense of fulfillment and purpose through selfless giving.

9. Self-Reflection:

“Taking time to introspect and understand oneself”

Self-reflection is a compass for personal development, guiding you to deeper self-awareness and helping you make informed decisions aligned with your values.

10. Open-mindedness:

“Being receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences.”

An open mind always encourages learning without stopping, wider your views as well, and adds much knowledge about varied environments.

11. Responsibility:

“Taking ownership of one’s actions and obligations.”

Responsibility empowers you to actively contribute to your success and the well-being of the community, showcasing accountability and reliability.

12. Authenticity:

“Being true to oneself and others.”

Authenticity creates genuine connections, as people are drawn to the sincerity and transparency that come from embracing your true self.

13. Optimism:

“Maintaining a positive outlook even in challenging situations”

Optimism fuels resilience, providing a hopeful perspective that not only eases the impact of challenges but also inspires creative problem-solving.

14. Teamwork:

“Collaborating and working harmoniously with others”

Teamwork leverages diverse strengths, fostering innovation and achieving collective goals that go beyond individual capacities.

15. Adaptability:

“Flexibility and willingness to adjust to changing circumstances.”

Adaptability is a valuable skill that enables you to navigate life’s uncertainties, embracing change as an opportunity for growth and learning.

16. Patience:

“Tolerating delays or challenges without becoming frustrated.”

Patience is a virtue that allows you to persevere through difficulties, maintaining composure and focus during times of waiting or uncertainty.

17. Pursuit of Knowledge:

“Valuing continuous learning and seeking to expand your understanding.”

Pursuing knowledge is a lifelong journey that enriches your mind, broadens perspectives, and keeps you intellectually engaged with the ever-evolving world.

18. Balance:

“Maintaining equilibrium in various aspects of life.”

Balance ensures holistic well-being by harmonizing different facets of life, preventing burnout, and promoting a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

19. Ambition:

“Setting and working towards ambitious goals.”

Ambition propels you to reach new heights, motivating sustained effort and dedication toward realizing your aspirations.

20. Independence:

“Having the ability to think and act for oneself.”

It facilitates autonomous decision-making, thereby promoting one’s independence and sense of ownership over their life.

21. Environmental Consciousness:

“Caring for and taking actions to protect the environment.”

Environmental consciousness reflects a commitment to preserving the planet and encouraging sustainable practices that contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

22. Inclusivity:

“Welcoming and embracing diversity in all its forms.”

Inclusivity creates a harmonious and respectful community, celebrating differences and recognizing the unique contributions of every individual.

23. Creativity:

“Expressing oneself through original and imaginative ideas.”

Creativity adds vibrancy to life, offering innovative solutions and fostering a mindset that sees possibilities in every challenge.

24. Mindfulness:

“Being fully present and engaged in the current moment.”

Mindfulness cultivates a heightened awareness, focusing on the present moment and promoting a deeper connection with your surroundings.

25. Faith:

“Having trust and confidence in something beyond oneself.”

Faith provides a sense of purpose and resilience, instilling hope and trust in a higher power or guiding force transcending individual understanding.


Just like a life compass, understanding our core values is imperative. It enables us to have a true sense of happiness which is vital for living a fulfilled life based on what is important to us. Finding out these values is a long process and going for them means living by values that are so naturally satisfying.

Using this process of self-exploration, we come to know more about ourselves. These values encompass a large portion of our personality, making us what we are today and influencing our actions. By identifying with these values of self-awareness we recognize our place in nature.

These are not mere ideas but rather constitute what a perfect way of life would be.

Our lives begin when we realize what it means to understand, accept, and live up to our value system: how we are personally fulfilled and make meaningful contributions to others. Let’s keep taking good care of these values so that they can help us live joyous lives now and in the future.

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