
James Radford

10 Ways to Seek Public Speaking Opportunities

Why do we look up to great speakers? Is it because they seem confident, can take over a room, or can easily influence and connect with others? Public speaking is a lot more than just a good skill to have. It’s a powerful way to grow personally and professionally.

Sharing your ideas clearly and strongly can open many doors, helping you grow and feel more confident. But, many people are scared of public speaking. This fear can stop them from progressing in their careers, growing as individuals, and sharing valuable ideas.

The answer is to go after and embrace chances to speak in public. These moments are not just times to share ideas; they’re chances to improve ourselves. When people start speaking in public, they become more confident, meet new people, and show off what they know to more people.

Take a young business owner as an example who talks about their new business at meetings. They get noticed and meet potential investors and business partners, which can help their business grow. So, public speaking is a way to open up a world of opportunities, changing how we see ourselves and how others see us.

As you search for speaking opportunities, this blog will tell you how to find them. Let’s explore how to find speaking opportunities in 10 simple steps.

1. Understanding Public Speaking Opportunities

Public speaking opportunities allow individuals to speak to a group of people in public. These events allow speakers to share information, ideas, or perspectives with others in various settings.

Types of Speaking Engagements


  • Conferences are meetings of experts in a particular topic or field.
  • Speakers hold presentations or engage in round table discussions to educate and inspire an audience of many.



  • Seminars are smaller-scale events focused on specific topics or areas of interest.
  • Attendees engage with speakers through presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions to gain knowledge and understanding.



  • Workshops provide practical skills or knowledge through interactive activities and discussions.
  • Participants actively engage in learning and applying new concepts in a collaborative environment.

Panel Discussions

  • Panel discussions involve individuals sharing their viewpoints on a particular topic.
  • Speakers engage in structured conversations, presenting varied perspectives and fostering open dialogue among participants.

Benefits of Public Speaking Opportunities

Different advantages accompany public speaking from the angle of both the speaker and the audience. They offer marketplaces for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and social interaction.

Additionally, these engagements promote collaboration, critical thinking, and personal growth among participants.

2. Identify Your Goals

Understanding Your Speaking Goals

Your public speaking rather should be preceded by a reflection upon what you want to achieve with your talks. This will ensure that you have a specific goal and ensure that your speeches achieve what you intended, whether for yourself or your business.

Think About Your Speaking Goals

Do some reflection on what you would like to get out of your presentations. Here are some questions to help you: This is because of the fact that the two functions run in parallel.

  1. I wonder what subjects I would like to spread among people.
  2. My audience is whom, and I aim to communicate with them.
  3. I wonder what I want people to leave after my speeches.
  4. Do I have any speaker skills that I wish to enhance?

Why would these questions be helpful for you to answer these questions to understand what you want to accomplish with your speaking opportunity?

Setting Clear Goals

Once you know your speaking goals, setting specific and measurable targets is essential. These goals give you direction and let you track your progress.

Instead of just saying you want to speak at more events, set goals like:

  • Give X number of talks about [topic] in the next year.
  • Get better feedback from the audience by improving ratings by Y%.
  • Speak at Z industry conferences or events.

Having clear goals helps you stay focused and see how well you’re doing. It also helps you adjust your approach if needed.

Knowing your speaking goals and setting clear targets is crucial to maximizing your public speaking opportunities. When your goals match what you’re passionate about, each speaking engagement becomes more meaningful and enjoyable.

3. Research Relevant Events and Organizations

If you want to speak at events that match what you know and like, here’s how you can find them:

Know Your Stuff

  • Before looking, consider what you’re good at and interested in. This will help you focus your search.

Look Online

  • Check websites and social media for events looking for speakers. Places like TED, Eventbrite, and Meetup often have opportunities. Also, check out LinkedIn and other professional sites.

Check Industry Groups

  • Many industries have groups that hold events. Look for them online and see if they have any events coming up that need speakers.

Using these tips and staying active in your search, you can find speaking opportunities matching your interests and skills. Show how you can bring value to the event or organization you’re interested in speaking at.

4. Leverage Personal and Professional Networks

Using your personal and work friends to find speaking chances can be very helpful. Here are some easy ways to use the people you know to find speaking spots:

Find Who You Know

Look at who you know to see if they’re connected to groups or events that need speakers. Think about people you work with, friends, and family.

Make Your Messages Special

When you talk to people, ensure your message is just for them. Say how you know them and why you’re interested in speaking. Be clear about what you’re good at and how it can help your audience.

Use Online Networks

Sites like LinkedIn and Twitter are good places to say you’re looking for speaking chances and to find people who can help.

Show What You Offer

Tell them how you can make their event better. Talk about what you love or times you’ve spoken before.

Keep in Touch

If you don’t hear back immediately, send a friendly reminder. It shows you’re interested.

Meet More People

Go to events and workshops in your field to meet more people. This can lead to more chances.

Ask Others to Help

Don’t be shy about asking if they know about speaking spots or if they can introduce you to others.

By following these steps, you can use the people you know to find places to speak about what you’re good at.

5. Create a Speaker File and Portfolio

To make a great speaker profile, start with a clear bio. Say what you’re good at, and your big wins. List where you’ve spoken before, with event names and dates. This shows you’ve got experience.

Add nice words from people who’ve heard you speak. This proves others like your talks. If the news ever talked about your speaking, include that too. It makes you look good.

Put in professional photos and videos of you speaking. This lets people see how you do on stage. List the topics you love to talk about. This helps event planners know if you fit their event.

Remember to add how to contact you. Include your email, phone number, and social media links. Always keep your profile up-to-date with your latest talks and good reviews.

Doing these things will make a speaker profile that shows off your skills and makes event planners want to hire you.

6. Pitching Yourself as a Speaker

Pitching yourself as a speaker is like telling a story where you’re the hero who can improve the event. Here’s how to craft a pitch that gets you noticed:

Start Strong

Begin with a catchy introduction. Say who you are and what you do in a way that grabs attention.

Choose a Great Topic

Talk about a topic you know a lot about and care deeply for. Make sure it fits the event’s theme. Explain why your topic is important and how it can help or interest the audience.

Show Your Unique View

Share what makes your take on the topic unique. You may have a fresh way of looking at things or an unusual experience to share. This makes your talk stand out.

List Your Experience

Briefly say what qualifies you to speak on this topic. Mention past speaking gigs, your job, or any awards. This builds trust.

Give Proof

Include links to videos of you speaking, articles you’ve written, or anything else that shows off your skills.

Explain the Benefits

Determine how your talk will benefit the event or audience. Will they learn something new? Get inspired? See things differently?

Keep It Short and Sweet

Your pitch should be quick to read and concise. Busy organizers will thank you.

End with a Call to Action

Finish by suggesting the next step. Ask to meet over a call or say you’re happy to share more details.

By doing these, you will have a robust, convincing pitch that conveys why you are the ideal speaker for their event.

7. Get Started by Volunteering

Consider volunteering to speak at local events, schools, or community organizations. Starting small can help you gain confidence, build experience, and establish yourself as a speaker.

Find Local Opportunities

Look for nearby events, schools, or community groups that need speakers. Check out bulletin boards, community websites, or social media groups for opportunities.

Offer Your Services

Contact event organizers or community leaders and offer to speak at their next gathering. Highlight your expertise and explain how your talk can benefit their audience.

Start Small

Don’t worry about speaking to large crowds at first. Start with smaller audiences, like local meetups or school events. This can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed as you gain experience.

Build Confidence

Taking the step to speak in public, may it be a small step or a giant leap, is a chance to further develop skills and gain confidence. Use every instance as a learning process and be concerned about conveying your message properly.

Establish Your Reputation

It’s easy to develop an image of a competent and well-informed speaker by speaking at and presenting quality performances at local events. They can get more speaking opportunities through word of mouth in future.

It is beneficial to start speaking about something that is small as this will allow you to grow slowly as a speaker, improve your skills and broaden your network. Therefore, do not shy away from invitations to speaking events in your territory; such opportunities are necessary in your career path as a speaker.

8. Engage on Online Platforms

Engaging with online communities like social media groups and forums offers several advantages. These platforms allow you to network with fellow speakers and event organizers, exchange ideas, and discover speaking opportunities.

Benefits of Engagement

Active participation in online communities give you the opportunity to develop relationships, get more visible, and grasp what is new in the business. You can become an authoritative expert by sharing ideas and experiences and, as a result, obtain potential speaking engagements.

Guidance for Participation

Regularly share quality content, and tips, and engage in conversation. Be in touch with event organizers and other speakers by commenting on their posts, sharing their materials, and contacting them directly to indicate the desire to meet.

9. Get Better at Public Speaking

Getting better at talking in front of people is vital to giving great talks and making a strong impact. Here are some ways to improve:

Practice a Lot

The more you speak, the better you become. Practice your talks in front of a mirror, with friends, or record yourself. This helps you see what you need to work on.

Ask for Feedback

Get advice from people you trust, like coworkers, mentors, or friends, after you give a speech. Use their tips to get better.

Join Clubs

Groups like Toastmasters help you practice speaking and get feedback in a friendly setting. You get to talk often and learn from others.

Take Classes

Look for classes or online courses about public speaking. They teach you new ways to keep your audience interested and less nervous.

10. Use Feedback to Grow

Listening to what people say about your talks is important for getting better. Here’s how to make the most of their opinions:

Gather Feedback

After you speak, ask people what they thought through surveys or chat. Event leaders might also tell you what the audience thought.

Think About Your Talks

Take time to go over your talks and the feedback. Think about what went well and what you can do better next time.

Make Goals for Improvement

Decide how you want to improve based on the feedback. For example, if you need to make your talks more engaging, plan to add questions or activities next time.

Keep Track of How You're Doing

Write down when you speak, your feedback, and your thoughts on it. This helps you see how much you’re improving over time.

By developing your speaking, using feedback appropriately and constantly finding opportunities to speak, you can achieve progress. It enables you to develop as a person and become a speaker people enjoy listening to.

How to become a great public speaker? It is about being patient, having goals, and practicing as much as you can.

First of all, understand the types of speaking events and their advantages. Have precise objectives that you want to achieve from your speaking.

As a reminder, every feedback is an opportunity to improve. Follow your performance and determine new objectives to keep evolving.

In this way, you will never doubt your abilities and become a professional speaker, able to share your thoughts and affect people.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, becoming good at public speaking opens many doors. It lets you share what you know, meet new people, and have a significant impact. The key is looking for chances to speak, setting clear goals, and improving.

Here’s what to remember: know where you can speak, like conferences and workshops. Use your friends and work contacts to find chances to speak. Make a strong profile that shows off what you’re good at, and learn how to tell event organizers why they should pick you. Also, try speaking for free at local places and join online groups to meet more people and find more chances.

Practice a lot, listen to what people say about how you did, and always try to improve. Each time you speak, it’s a chance to grow and help others.

Whilst there is no strict rulebook on how to find speaking opportunities, there are several things you can do that will help secure them, from searching the web to using your network.

So, start now, find places to speak, and share your ideas. Keep going, even when it’s hard, and you’ll see how much you can achieve. Let your voice be heard and make a difference!

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